The emergence of a Halal industry in the past decade in the fields of food, beverages, and services, emphasizes the importance of providing a more complete understanding of Halal products, current …
ICLI is an annual International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI) hosted byUniversitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia in collaboration with the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and Indonesian Conso…
The increasing demand for halal products, including goods and services, every year, especially for food and beverages, has resulted in a growing need for products with halal guarantees. Along with …
The book contains a selection of papers that were presented at the 3rd Conference in Managing Digital Industry, Technology and Entrepreneurship (3rd CoMDITE) with the theme: Sustainable Future: Tre…
The study of electrons and holes confined to two, one, and even zero dimensions has uncovered a rich variety of new physics and applications. This book describes the interaction between these confi…
Solid state batteries with a lithium metal electrode are considered the next generation of high energy battery technology. Unfortunately, lithium metal is prone to harmful protrusion or dendrite gr…